!!!!! THE ISLAND !!!!!

Once opon a time there were four girls called Jaysha, Dannielle , Tasha and Autumn.One day Tasha decided that will be going on a fishing trip.
All the girls agreed to the wonderful trip that they were going to have.
Dannielle was not really sure that she wanted to go because she had thought that the boat was going to run out of gas.Along the way we could see the reefs and it was beautiful.Tasha went to her bag and got some diving gears so we could go and see the under world. After that long trip we looked out to see and saw a Island and Autumn decided for us to go and have a look at this Island. When we got to the Island we saw a beautiful forest but it was getting to late and we had to go back home to our apartment. By the time we got back to our boat we had no gas left so we had to stay the night at the Island. Jaysha and Dannielle had to get some wood to make us a shelter and Tasha and Autumn had to fish us some fish. By the time of 8:00 it began to get dark and me and Dannielle had finish making this big as tree house.When Autumn and Tasha came back they had to cross this bridge to get to our sleeping hut. luckily jaysha had packed some blankets for us.
In the morning the sun came out and it was nice and shining. We all had agreed that we would go and have a look out for help. Autumn went up to the top of a mountain to look for a helicopter or a big boat.



A long, long time ago the four friends called Autumn, Jaysha, Dannielle and Eron walked passed a HAUNTED looking house. Eron looked at the house and said"LETS GO HAVE A LOOK" the three girls looked at each other and said" I DON'T KNOW" but then Autumn went and said to Eron come on then Lets go we're not scared like Dannielle and Jaysha. Eron and Autumn walk up to the door and knock on the door but no one answered the door, Autumn and Eron decided to go have a look around inside the house because no one seems to be living in their so Autumn knocked down the door and went inside.Dannielle and Jaysha were out side the house talking until they saw that Autumn and Eron were not there so they started to panic. Dannielle started to scream out there names"ERON" "AUTUMN" Eron and Autumn did not here then because they were deep inside the HAUNTED house. Jaysha and Dannielle was getting so scared that they ran away until the herd a voice coming from the up stairs window"Jaysha, Dannielle"Jaysha garbed onto Dannielle and said" STOP, DID YOU HEAR THAT" Dannielle said" NO I DIDN'T" while Dannielle and Jaysha were listening to the voice from the window, Eron and Autumn were still in the house looking for some spooky things. Eron found a rusty old camera and started to take pictures. Autumn went up the stairs and saw some blood on the window she looked on the draws and saw all of the money and next to the money was a rusty old necklaces Autumn picked up the bag with the rusty old necklase and threw the money down the toilet. Eron called out her name"AUTUMN" Autumn ran down the stairs and ran straight out the door. When Eron came out he looked out at the window and saw a face stairing at them
Dannielle and Jaysha went in tho the house looking for Eron and Autumn Jaysha
looked out side the window and saw Autumn and Eron walking back home. Dannielle Started to scream Jaysha went up to the room where dannielle was and had to carry her out because she faited. When jaysha, Autumn and Eron took Dannielle home she woke up and said"I SAW AAAAA GGGHOUST" They didn't belive her and left her up in her room. Dannielle looked out side her window and saw the ghost standing out side her house...........THE END

..Sports camp..

This year Kaitao Middle School is going back to sports camp as the unbeatable school.
Last year Challenge went to sports camp and came back with 7 trophies.
At sports camp you play a lot of sports like, Volleyball, Touch, netball,
,swimming, Kayaks, Soccer, Hockey, wall ball, and many more.
There are even sports games there that you haven't even herd of.
This years sports camp is going to be cool because we won the hole thing last year
and we don't know if we are going to win or not.
This year I am going to sports camp and it is going to be really cool.....



Challenge Academy like doing sports
so on some Fridays we get to go out in to teams and play against other Challenge teams. Our sports that we usually play are Hockey, Basketball,
Bench ball, Volley ball, and many more. Some times we even get to play against other Academy's and its pretty cool Because we usually win.
Each time you play against a team the
teacher who is taking that sports they give you points like: 5 points for wining, 3 points for a draw, and 1 point for if you lose. To keep track of your points each team get a point sheet and your teacher gives you your score or your points for
having a nice straight line or your good sportsmanship. Challenge Sports day is a good reward for our good behavior. Challenge Academy is so cool.


Name: Jaysha
Age: 12
My Animals: Dogs
Favourite food: Butter Chicken
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Favourite Chocolate: Beunos
Favourite Animal: Dogs, Bunny,
Siblings: 2 little sisters
Sports: Soccer
Movies: Twilight, Funny, Horror.
Songs: I wanna be close to you, First time, Knock you down, Ghetto_flower
Favourite School: Kaitao Middle School.
Favourite number: 7 or 27
Favourite Teachers: Applez, M Daryl
Fruit: Pineapple, Grapes, Passion fruit,
Favourite singer: Chris brown, J Williams, P.C.D,


At Kaitao Middle School Challenge dose Fitness
Every Day to keep our self fit....
We do seven laps each day, First we do two warm up laps then
have a rest, then we do 3 more than another rest
then our last two warm downs and that's our fitness for today!!!!!!
We all so run in Beautiful lines :)

This is me and my class going to do
Waka Amma.
We had to walk down from the marae
But it was cool.The waka amma was cool :)